VU Jasper Staff & Faculty Counseling Resources

VU Jasper Staff & Faculty Counseling Resources

Below are a selection of resources which may be of assistance to staff and faculty. Staff and faculty are welcome to contact the Counseling Office to request resources for topics that are not listed.

Faculty/Staff Resources

  • Red Folder Resource: Signs a student may be in distress, how to respond/protocol, and resources available to the student.
  • Counseling for Faculty and Staff
  • VUJ Counseling is available to VUJ students only. If a faculty/staff member is wanting to pursue counseling/therapy for themselves, the Counselor may be able to assist with a referral, or provide information on available resources.
  • Crisis resources
  • VU Employee Assistance Program (all full-time employees are eligible to utilize this). 
  • UPCC Counseling Center (must be on VU insurance)
  • Dubois County Resources: a free, comprehensive community resource guide to help you find the services you need, including mental health care providers.
  • Consultation
  •  As with any other person in your life, interactions with students at times can be challenging. Whether you are working to help a student that is in distress, or dealing with a student of concern, staff and faculty are encouraged to reach out to the Counselor to schedule a consultation appointment. Appointments can be made during office hours (Mondays 8-4, Wednesdays 8-5) by calling 812-482-3030.

The Counselor is here to support VUJ faculty and staff through difficult situations involving students. However, please be aware that a consultation does not constitute therapy, and as such, does not carry a guarantee of confidentiality. If it is the Counselor's opinion that other individuals need to become involved, or simply be made aware of, the situation, the Counselor will take steps to ensure that all relevant information is shared with such individuals.

  • When to Refer a Student to Counseling
  • The student remains distressed following repeated attempts by you and others to be helpful
  • The student becomes increasingly isolated, unkempt, irritable, or disconnected.
  • The student’s academic or social performance deteriorates.
  • The student’s behavior reflects increased hopelessness or helplessness.
  • You find yourself doing ongoing counseling rather than consultation or advising and feeling yourself pulled in directions that make you uncomfortable.
  • The student shows significant and marked changes in behavior and mood.
  • How to Refer a Student to Counseling
  • Provide the student with the Counseling Office contact information and encourage them to schedule an appointment 
  • Contact information can be found here
  • How to schedule an appointment can be found here
  • Offer to assist the student in calling to schedule an appointment or in developing an email to send to the VUJ counseling email
  • If the student is in crisis and it is during Counseling office hours, offer to walk them to the office - OR – call the office if it is during office hours and the Counselor can come to you and the student if the student is on campus
  • You can meet with, or call, the office to discuss your concerns regarding the student with the Counselor and the Counselor can then reach out to the student via email or phone call to offer an appointment