


Welcome to the VU Newsroom


As a state institution, Vincennes University is open to all members of the media at all times. To help make the news gathering process easier and more efficient, journalists are encouraged to contact the VU News Team before conducting interviews or recording digital footage. Journalists must contact the VU News Team first before entering classrooms or dormitories, unless permission has been granted by a specific faculty member or University administrator.

Media Parking - Vincennes Campus: To avoid possible parking violation citations, contact the VU News Team in advance to reserve a parking space, or obtain a visitor permit at the Campus Police/Information, 1201 N. 2nd Street. Parking is prohibited on lawns, brick walkways, in construction areas, or any other place which will create a hazard or interfere with the use or access of University facilities.

Wifi Access - Vincennes Campus: Ask about temporary access to wireless Internet.

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