support staff council

support staff council

We are pleased to announce the return of the SSC Scholarship.

Support Staff Council meets on the third Thursday of each month at 2 PM.

Meetings change locations each month so be sure to watch for the email announcement. Meetings are also broadcast over Zoom.

What to expect at a Support Staff meeting:

  • Updates from the Executive Team
  • Updates on what the Council is doing
  • A Brief overview of a campus service/location
  • A Brief Professional Development Session
  • An opportunity to voice your opinion on what the council is/should be doing

2023 - 2024 Monthly Meeting Dates and Locations

Dates Special Guests Locations
August 17th   TBD
Sept 21st   Trailblazer Rooms, BSU
(Registrar's Office) Becky Little/Amy Coots
Oct 19th   LRC, 214
Nov 16th   TBD
Jan 18th   TBD
Feb 15th Career Center/
Career Link &
Architectural Services
Technology Auditorium
March 21st Professional Development Sessions
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
LRC, Room 214
April 18th   Jasper Campus
May 16th Whitney Daugherty,
Student Affairs
LRC, Room 214
June 20th Officer Elections LRC, Room 214
July 18th TBD TBD

Statement of Purpose

 The purpose of the Vincennes University Support Staff Council is to render advice, make recommendations, and provide assistance to the University concerning matters that affect the general welfare, working conditions, and productivity of the represented staff.

Membership is open to any full-time permanent Support Staff employee, who has successfully completed a probationary period, subject to available vacancies in accordance to the terms of the bylaws.

Membership on the Council shall be for a two-year period according to a rotating system.  Council members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.  Eligibility for membership is reinstated after a two-year period.

2023 - 2024 Officers:

President Tracy Henry Administrative Assistant - Provost Office
Vice President Roxie Kitzman Secretary - College of Technology
Clerk Anna Lamson Typist - College of Science, Engineering, and Math
Recorder Rachel McCullough Secretary - Jasper Campus Division Office

The Support Staff Council works together to provide services for the entire Vincennes University population such as the annual Veteran's Day Program, and specifically for Support Staff such as: Support Staff Scholarships and Professional Development opportunities. These services are made possible through fundraisers. We welcome your ideas and participation in Support Staff Council meetings.