Prospective Instructors

Prospective Instructors

Thank you for your interest in dual credit courses through Vincennes University's Project EXCEL. Project EXCEL instructors must meet the faculty credentialing requirements established for Vincennes University Faculty Members. Please see the Vincennes University Faculty Credentialing Guidelines, available below, for more information.

Responsibilities of Project EXCEL Instructors:

Approved Project EXCEL instructors must adhere to all program guidelines and requirements as set forth in the Project EXCEL Policies and Procedures manual and as disseminated by the Project EXCEL office.  

Project EXCEL instructors will be eligible to receive an administrative stipend, based upon the total number of unduplicated student enrollments, upon completion of the applicable requirements.

Faculty Application Process - Getting Started:

  • In order to begin the faculty application process, high school/career center instructors must submit the following:
  • Current/detailed resume - including all professional experience related to the discipline they wish to teach
  • Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial transcripts accepted for the application process; official transcripts will be required upon approval).
  • All applicable licensures/certifications. 
  • Completed Liberal Arts Faculty Application Checklist (for General Education courses) OR Career & Technology Faculty Application Checklist (for Career and Technical courses).
  • Completed Classroom/Lab/Equipment (CLE) Approval Form, if required. Please see the CLE required course list below.

Please submit all faculty application materials to:

Links and Information for Prospective Partner High Schools and Instructors:


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