
VU salutes employees for exemplary service and performance

A photo of the winners of the 2018 Peer Recognition Awards.

October 09, 2018

PHOTO - Recipients of Vincennes University Peer Recognition awards are, from left, Jane Brocksmith Tiek, Arthur Fields, Justin "Levi" Lumm, Angie Crabtree, Matthew J. Norman, Melissa J. Belcher, and Terry J. Andry. The awards were presented by VU President Chuck Johnson at a reception on Oct. 9 at the Beckes Student Union. VU peers nominate recipients based on exemplary service and performance. The President’s Advisory Committee then selects the recipients. ###

VINCENNES, Ind. - Vincennes University presented Peer Recognition Awards to seven employees at a reception on Oct. 9 at the Beckes Student Union. VU President Chuck Johnson made the presentations, thanking recipients for their dedicated service.

VU peers nominate recipients based on exemplary service and performance. The President’s Advisory Committee then selects the recipients, which this year include Terry J. Andry, Food Service Manager, Jasper Campus; Melissa J. Belcher, Associate Professor, Nursing, Jasper Campus; Angie Crabtree, Assistant Professor/Director of STEP Program; Arthur Fields, Assistant Professor of Art/Photography and Shircliff Art Gallery Director; Justin "Levi" Lumm, Instructor, John Deere and Diesel Program; Matthew J. Norman, Associate Professor, English; and Jane Brocksmith Tiek, Professor, Nursing.

“It is truly a special opportunity for us to take time and recognize individuals who go the ‘extra mile’ for Vincennes University and our students,” said VU President Chuck Johnson. “It is wonderful that they are recognized by their peers for what they do. It is a very special type of recognition when those you work with take time to single you out. We really do have a very special mission and we really do have a very special place in the lives of our students and the families that we impact and in the communities that we impact as a result.”

ABOUT THE RECIPIENTS - These excerpts were taken from each award recipient's nomination submission.

Terry J. Andry, Food Service Manager, Jasper Campus
One example of Terry’s dedication is that just over a year ago there were major changes that went on in the Bistro. It was a lengthy process and she had to learn to improvise her food prep and cooking through the renovations and embrace the changes. Terry went with the flow and worked with the Dean and pertinent personnel to help make all the transitions go smoothly for all that were involved. On a daily basis she goes out of her way to make the food in the Bistro extra special. Terry makes everyone feel welcome and helps them relax during their class breaks or lunch hours. She lends a listening ear when someone is having a bad day. During certain holidays she goes all out to make special meals and decorate the Bistro. Terry grows her own herbs and vegetables to use in her recipes and salads. Terry provides what the campus community needs to be strong and thriving.

Melissa J. Belcher, Associate Professor, Nursing, Jasper Campus
Melissa has strong communication skills and has a passion for serving students that goes beyond the role of a basic educator. She works to ensure the nursing students at VU-J have opportunities to not only develop the skills to be successful nurses, but to integrate value-based qualities that embody and encourage an approach to nursing as a vocation rather than simply a professional role. Melissa has served as the faculty leader for our Student Nurse Organization for several years, through which she has coordinated efforts for students to provide much-needed aid to community groups. Melissa also planned a student/faculty mission trip to the Appalachian Mountains in rural Kentucky where students provided medical screenings and health education to underserved populations. Melissa’s approach to teaching provides our students with opportunities that will impact the way they approach serving others in life.

Angie Crabtree, Assistant Professor/Director of STEP Program, Humanities
Angie works hard as the director of the STEP program, traveling throughout the state to attend transition and career fairs to connect with families and build personal relationships. She served on the State Commission for ISTEP re-evaluation and brought insight to the committee regarding students with learning differences and how the changes would impact their diplomas and certificates. This past spring, Angie planned and implemented a Disability Awareness event at the Skelton Center for the VU community and surrounding community, and secured Brett Eastburn as the keynote speaker. It was a highly successful event. She is compassionate toward students and will go out of her way, at her own expense, to provide for their needs. Angie ensures that teaching is relevant and purposeful; she truly has a heart for Vincennes University and its students.

Arthur Fields, Assistant Professor of Art/Photography & Shircliff Art Gallery Director
Arthur goes above and beyond his assigned duties by working tirelessly to bring a wide range of regional artists and their works to the VU campus. He gathers artists’ applications, oversees the selection process, and sets up the schedule. He also handles receiving the art works and setting up the shows. Most often, this work takes place over the weekend. Arthur does all this extra work with an infectious smile and a good-natured attitude because he knows that the gallery shows are an invaluable resource for the entire student body and the Vincennes community. He has also been instrumental in securing grants for funding and has been an excellent steward of these resources. Arthur is an inspiration to all of us for his dedication to educating our students, and as an ambassador to our community and other institutions of higher learning.

Justin "Levi" Lumm, Instructor, John Deere & Diesel Program
Levi shows his devotion not only to his craft, but also to the students and other faculty. For the past couple of years Levi has not only carried his normal teaching load but he has also been a full-time student to complete his baccalaureate degree. He schedules class trips and every two years will accompany the John Deere students on a tour of the John Deere factories in Moline, Waterloo, and Des Moines, Iowa. Levi also reaches out to industry and builds team relationships within that industry. He has also taken on the role as the leader of the Vincennes University Awards for Excellence Program, and has also been the recipient of the Awards for Excellence for the John Deere Program. Levi shows the highest integrity for Vincennes University, the students he respects and cares about, as well as in his personal life as a husband, father, and pastor.

Matthew J. Norman, Associate Professor, English
Matt’s door is always open to students and he spends many hours in both scheduled and unscheduled conferences, helping students with their assignments or applications to the Honors Program, and even with personal matters. If there is a special project to be completed, a committee to be chaired, a meeting to attend, a new faculty member to be mentored, a colleague’s class to be covered, or a computer question to be answered, Matt’s answer is always, “I’ll be glad to help.” Matt’s work was instrumental in the re-design of the English Department’s developmental curriculum, which resulted in a greater opportunity for learning and success in developmental students’ English courses. Matt serves as the director of the Honors Program, having recently re-designed the curriculum, including developing several new courses. He has also served on numerous committees and various roles throughout the University.

Jane Brocksmith Tiek, Professor, Nursing
Jane is the leader and one of the original founders of a volunteer medical mission team called Nurses on a Mission. The group is comprised of faculty, nursing students, nursing graduates, and volunteers from the community. Each year in March the team travels to the Dominican Republic to provide medical care to residents living in severely impoverished conditions. Nursing students benefit from this opportunity through cultural emersion, practicing and tuning assessment skills, familiarizing themselves with many medications and the patient education needed for each, and communicating all aspects of care through an interpreter in a Spanish-speaking country. All who participate in the trip are touched by Jane’s devotion and compassion in serving those in need. It is a life-changing experience for all who participate, and it would not happen if it were not for Jane’s dedication.


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