VU is among the first in the country implementing tool based on neuroscience to encourage collaboration and promote student success

VU is among the first in the country implementing tool based on neuroscience to encourage collaboration and promote student success

VU Provost Dr. Laura Treanor, right, and VU Director of Learning Support Services Danny Ralston

July 28, 2021

VINCENNES, Ind. – Relationships are essential to student success. Vincennes University is introducing an academic and social virtual space where students can study with their peers, collaborate on projects, exchange ideas, engage in brainstorming sessions, and chat with classmates, all while forming a sense of community and creating an engaging and positive learning environment.

The CircleIn app, an all-in-one studying platform where students thrive and collaborate with classmates at home or anywhere, is the latest technology VU has adopted to support its students.

According to VU Provost Dr. Laura Treanor, "Positive and personal connections are vital for student success and I am excited to announce that we will offer this new social platform designed to create exciting collaborative opportunities to enrich the student experience. Research has shown that peer-to-peer learning has major advantages for students, and I encourage all of our students to explore this new platform and use the connections created through it to their advantage."

Treanor added, "VU is dedicated to helping students build on their strengths and is committed to empowering students with the skills, knowledge, and technology they need to be successful in their college journey and life."

College can sometimes be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be a struggle to be successful. This app is designed to help students overcome obstacles.

CircleIn, a recipient of a National Science Foundation grant, helps make success more attainable for students. It enables VU students to study together anywhere, any time.

"CircleIn is a great addition to the academic resources VU provides our students,” VU Director of Learning Support Services Danny Ralston said. "Students already have opportunities to get help in person or virtually, but the app allows students to study on their own, with peers who are in the classes with them, or with VU’s embedded tutors at the times and locations that are most convenient for them."

This type of learning tool will likely be a staple in the future of higher education. VU is proud to be a front-runner in identifying and implementing software that will benefit students. VU is currently one of 25 universities using the app to make certain that students have all of the tools to be successful.

VU Student Adam Johnson

VU Student Adam Johnson

"VU truly has a lot of programs to help students succeed and keep them on their academic path,” said Homeland Security and Public Safety major Adam Johnson of Martinsville, Indiana. “If a student needs assistance in nearly any way, VU has a service for them. The main benefit of being a VU student is a quality education at a manageable cost, and VU’s small class sizes help students feel more connected with their peers, professors, etc."

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated to us the magnitude of the importance of human connections and interactions. It has also magnified how technology brings us together in many ways.

The CircleIn app promotes peer-to-peer connections and allows students to learn and socialize together in a modern approach. Just like they would in a study lounge or library or a coffee shop. CircleIn bridges the gap by bringing students from VU’s many campuses and locations together with the tap of their fingertips.

Research shows educational experiences which are active, social, contextual, engaging, and student-owned lead to deeper learning, according to Cornell University.

Peer-to-peer learning brings major advantages for students. Collaboration, learning from others, and sharing make for a supportive environment that keeps students engaged and helps them achieve their goal of a college degree.

CircleIn provides fantastic opportunities for students to work better together remotely, receive support from their classmates, make friends and get to know fellow students outside of the classroom or laboratory.

Ralston and Treanor explore the CircleIn app, an all-in-one studying tool based on neuroscience 

Ralston and Treanor explore the CircleIn app, an all-in-one studying tool based on neuroscience 

The app has helped 80 percent of students realize an increase in academic performance, and 66 percent gain more confidence in their ability to pass their courses. Sixty-four percent of students experienced an increase in productivity.

In addition to stoking rewarding outcomes and experiences, students who engage with the app as a part of their studies can receive actual rewards such as gift cards.

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated to us the magnitude of the importance of human connections and interactions. It has also magnified how technology brings us together in many ways. 

VU empowers students with various technology, tools, and resources that foster learning and success.

Fall semester classes begin at VU on Monday, Aug. 16.

"I am excited to return for the fall semester because there will be a stronger sense of normalcy at VU with classes being face to face,” Johnson said. "On a more personal note, I will be starting my bachelor’s degree, which is a big step toward achieving my goals."

And when he does, he will have the CircleIn app along with an abundance of in-person and remote resources available to help him succeed and reach his goals.
