Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

The University Senate is the primary governing body that exercises the legislative and policy-making powers assigned to the faculty, and acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees in consultation with the President or the President’s designee.  The University Senate has the power to propose or to adopt policies, regulations, and procedures aimed to achieve the educational goals of Vincennes University as well as act in the best interest of those sharing in these educational processes.

The 30 Senators that make up this body are tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track faculty members from all the colleges at Vincennes University’s Main, Jasper, and Aviation Technology Center (ATC) campuses.  In addition, various administrators function as non-voting advisors.

According to the Vincennes University Manual and Bylaws, the following responsibilities fall within the purview of University Senate:

  • Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee

  • Faculty Affairs Committee

  • Student Affairs Committee

  • Finance and Budget Review Committee

  • Sabbatical Review Committee

  • Governmental Structures and Procedures Committee

  • Tenure and Promotion Committee

  • Liaison to President's Advisory Committee

  • Liaison to Professional Staff Congress

  • Liaison to Support Staff Council

  • Liaison to Student Government Association

All proposals or significant changes suggested by any standing committee must first be approved by the University Senate.  As innovative developments are considered, it is imperative for faculty to actively participate in the Senate.  Departments and Colleges should identify interested faculty members to serve as senators.  These should be individuals who communicate effectively and on a regular basis with their College and administrative teams.  It is the goal and responsibility of the entire Vincennes community to increase institutional effectiveness, but the accountability for academic excellence, as well as everything that promotes, enhances, funds, or even detracts from that goal, primarily falls within the expertise of the Vincennes University faculty, and thus the University Senate.

As your Vincennes University Senate Officers, we encourage you to share your ideas and concerns to exercise all aspects of shared governance.  Please feel free to contact us, your Senate representatives, or any member of the Senate leadership listed below.

University Senate Leadership:

  • President – W. Chad Beaman

  • Vice President – Elaine Burklow

  • Secretary  – Jessica Hess

  • Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Chair – Dr. Smith

  • Faculty Affairs Committee Chair – TBD

  • Student Affairs Committee Chair – TBD

  • Finance and Budget Review Committee Chair – TBD

  • Sabbatical Review Committee Chair - Elaine Burklow

  • Governmental Structures and Procedures Committee Chair –  DanaLea Woehl

  • Agenda Committee Chair - Elaine Burklow

  • Tenure and Promotion Committee Chair – TBD