Academic Accommodations

Academic Accommodations

Getting Started

In the college setting, it is the student's responsibility to initiate and follow through with the accommodation process. However, staff in the Student Services Office at Vincennes University are happy to help all qualified students with diverse abilities obtain reasonable accommodations from their professors.

It is recommended that all University supports and academic resources be identified and arranged before students with diverse abilities begin their first semester of classes. Interested students are asked to complete registration in the office of Student Services Office as soon as possible, which includes providing professional documentation/evidence of a disability and the need for specific accommodations. It is important to note that qualification for accommodations is not automatic in college for students who may have qualified for accommodations in high school. 

Students may contact the office of Student Services Office directly to complete the registration process for accommodations. Students will be asked to fill out a Student Questionnaire & Request for Academic Accommodations to assist staff in determining appropriate accommodations for their individual situations.  


Ready to Begin?